Crochet is derived from the French word croc or croche, meaning hook. Patterns and instructions are generally written for right-handed people.
If you don't know of anybody to help you, jump online and do a search for crochet baby blanket patterns. There are in access of a dozen different stitching methods, for instance cluster, cross over, Tunisian, cheek, crossed, knot, fence, mahogany, diagonal rib, star, stocking, rib, treble, fan, eyelet, braid and four sided stitch are the stitch you can learn, while knowledge of some of these stitch is a prerequisite before you start. Unlike knitting, crochet uses this single starting loop to work a row of individual chain stitches.
If you are a beginner and frequently lose your place, write the patterns on lined paper, one instruction at a time. In fact even designer brands also have a collection of crochet handbags. The free-flowing yarn on the back of your hook then needs to be pulled through both loops.
A free crochet pattern for an afghan cover is not only a great way to start, but it is also fun. Crochet is an interesting hobby.