Anyone who crochets will tell you that the ability to design and make with their own two hands a variety of beautiful and completely unique pieces is absolutely priceless. My mom had taught me to cross-stitch as a child but that wouldn't do anymore.
If you are really and truly not interested in a dishcloth, then try making small bookmarks. For a beginner, the crochet magazine teaches you how to crochet. It is both a social as well as a solitary hobby.
Unlike knitting, crochet uses this single starting loop to work a row of individual chain stitches. Most crochet instructions include something called a gauge guide which is something of a practice area that allows you to crochet some stitches. You will be able to ask questions and get advice.
It is great to be able to make items for yourself and as gifts for family and friends. In short time you will likely be replacing your beginners crochet patterns with ones that are much more elaborate.