Monday, February 2, 2009

crochet patterns - these are the fundamentals you should know

Have you been thinking about learning to crochet? But learning how to crochet a dress can not only further your skills but allow you to make any number of projects for you, your family, and friends.

If you've been following along, you will know that I never recommend starting a project that is too advanced when you are a beginner. Colors in soft, fuzzy materials provide a diversion to the cold, hard and glaring screens of your office computers that you have been staring at for the whole day. Be sure that you have enough supplies to finish the job; the last thing you want to have to do when you are in the middle of a project is run out for more yarn.

A crocheter may opt to select a simple crochet afghan pattern that makes use of numerous granny squares that are put together to form the entire blanket. Acrylics are popular and easy to work with and wash. Some of the more common stitches are chain, single crochet, half-double crochet, double crochet, popcorn crochet, and cluster crochet.

The story of crochet continues. Crocheting is an art form.

Free Crochet Patterns Potholders for beginners how to crochet a button crochet guide Free Crochet Patterns Dolls - have fun while crocheting

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